Forteresse des assassins[en francaise]
l’histoire des assassins [updated 2025] Incohérence Alamut (Forteresse des assassins)est le nom d’une vallée du massif de l’Elbrouz au sud de la mer Caspienne, près de la ville de Qazvin, à 100 kilomètres de l’actuelle Téhéran, dans le nord-ouest de l’Iran actuel. La « forteresse d’Alamut », souvent appelée simplement Alamut, réputée inexpugnable, se dressait autrefois […]
Alamut Valley
Geography of Alamut Valley [updated 2025] Alamut Valley is a vast area that is located in(IRAN) Alborz mountain chain between Qazvin & Mazandaran province borders , consists of more than 350 villages .This area is divided to western and eastern part, moreover, eastern part has more attractions than other one due to Alamut main castle […]
Bread in IRAN [updated 2025] All over the world, bread is considered a staple food that contains carbohydrates, fiber, oil, salts and some vitamins;breads play important role in our diet in Iran as well, But the same bread has different types and it can be more or less valuable depending on the cooking method and […]
THE Ismaili (Their History & Doctrines)
THE Ismaili (Their History & Doctrines)[updated 2025] Today as first post in 2024 we would like to offer to tourists who intrested in History of Alamut valley & Assassin’s And Ismaili sect …..Download the book from the bottom page link. The Ismaili is represent the second largest Sh-i-i Muslim community after the Twelvers(Ithna¯ashar¯s), and […]
festival in Iran
festival in Iran [updated 2025] Festival or ((Jashn)) means (act of worship) in ancient Iran and religious service that was an essential part of every festival.Every festival is essentially a holy occasion for those who taking apart must be in spritual and physical purification .They should dispel All thoughts that come from cacodemon of anger, […]
Hotels of Qazvin
Hotels of Qazvin [updated 2025] Inspite of being touristic city ,Qazvin hasan’t have 5 star Hotel but there is one which is under construction for many years .In this article We try to introduce top Qazvin Hotels with maps and some budget Guest house which would help tourists and Tour guides to choose wisely . […]
Qazvin’ Top tourist attractions
Qazvin [updated 2025] There are some tourist attraction in Qazvin city which are not as famous as Tchogha Zanbil or Perspolis but still influential in Iran’s ancient History. Now we are going to introduce the most important ones. Sa’d al-Saltaneh Caravanserai(Qazvin) What does Carvanserai mean and what is it? A tavern or usually an inn […]
Takht-e Soleyman & Soltaniyeh
Takht-e Soleyman [updated 2025] Takht-e Soleyman (Throne of Soleyman ) is an outstanding ensemle of royal architecture,joining the principal archchitectural elements created by the Sassanids dynasty in harmonious composition .The composition and the architectural elements that created by Sassanids have exerted a strong influence not only in the development of religious architecture in the islamic […]
Masuleh & Rud’khan castle
Masuleh(ماسوله)[updated2025] One of the impressive destination both for Iranians and foreigners is Masuleh village & Rud-khan castle as tour package in Iran.The first village of masuleh date backed around 1006 AD, 6 km northwest of the current village,the village is located in 1,050 meters above sea level in the Alborz mountain range and 60 Km away […]
IRAN History (2nd part )
Safavid dynasty(1502-1736) Persia underwent a revival under the Safavid dynasty (1502-1736),the most prominent figure was Shah Abbas I. Some Historians credit the Safavid dynasty for founding the modern nation -state of Iran. Iran contemporary Shia character and significant segments of Iran’s current borders take their origin from this era.