Qazvin [updated 2025]
There are some tourist attraction in Qazvin city which are not as famous as Tchogha Zanbil or Perspolis but still influential in Iran’s ancient History. Now we are going to introduce the most important ones.
Sa’d al-Saltaneh Caravanserai(Qazvin)
What does Carvanserai mean and what is it? A tavern or usually an inn encompassing a court in eastern countries (mostly in silk road; from Iran to China) where Caravans(group of travelers) rest at night and be used as shelter; while they trade and swap their merchandises with other carvans and merchants ,at least more than 100 years ago. Sa’d al-Saltaneh Caravanserai is most outstanding historical monument in Qazvin city both as architectural and extent point of view . As an architectural point of view it was divided to 7 courtyards ,some courtyards consists of some rooms (so called chamber) & stable for keeping quadrupeds which are located all around the yard as circle of chambers; while in other section it’s like junction which is shaped by two decussations of rows of chamb like intersection. It has also attractive brick’s design dome with skylight on Top of every interconnected corridors .

You couldn’t imagine how big is it ?As point of extent ,it covers vast area approximatly 6 Hectars and constructed by Sa’d al-Saltaneh Isfahani (govener of Qazvin) which dates back to Qajar dynasty . its strongly recommended that visit this monument ASAP .It’s located next to Qazvin’s Bazar ‘when you re strolling in corridors you could find some souvenir shops and cafeteria ….(dont miss the coffee :D).There are some Guesthouses near this place you could book it for reasonable price(less than 10 euro).Its the best area for accommodation in historical part of Qazvin city &almost all other monuments are near by.
Sepah street(First street of Iran-Qazvin)
In way to visit two other prominent monuments(Aminiha Hosseiniyeh& Imamzadeh ((Shahzadeh)) Hossein) you should pass by Sepah street. The shop’s interance decorated with brick’s Arch and the street itself paved by cubestone as you could see in following images. It’s oldest street of Iran(as point of modernity) which was built in Safavid era when Qazvin has been the capital,Sepah street goes to royal Safavid complex on that era and belonged to royal complex. The interance door of complex is entitled A’li ghupo which is showen below .

Imamzadeh (Shahzadeh) Hossein
It’s mausoleum of Hossein the son of Imam Reza (Hazrat-e Reza) who was buried here when they were going to Khorasan through Qazvin with his father( Imam Reza the 8th Imam of Shia) .Later then Safavids monarchy counstructed a tomb over his sepulchre.

Aminiha Hosseiniyeh(Qazvin)
What is Hosseiniyeh? Hosseiniyeh is place where Iranian get together for mourning purpose in special date like Ashora as commemoration of a deceased person or a martyr . Aminiha Hosseiniyeh first counstructed as luxurious house by the merchant Mohammad Reza Amini in mid 19th century then it was devoted as Hosseiniyeh. It’s outstanding example of Iran’s traditional house which can be visited more place like this in Kashan city (E.g Tabatabaei traditional House).
Like any other Traditional house in Iran ,it has innumerable Art working in both interior & exterior of building as point of architectural view. wooden artwork on top of Arch-like door & sash windows are still eye-catching ,Not only rounded alcove in center hall but also ceiling of the hall embellished with magnificent plaster work and mirror designing as an unique intricate masterpiece.

Bist Sotoun palace
What does bist sotoun means?Bist means twenty and sotoun means pillar in Farsi,so as whole it means twenty pillars palace . Bist sotoun palace is twin sister of Chehel-sotoun in Isfahan but local people entitled it Chehel sotoun somehow due to reflection of twenty pillars at front pool of palace so turn it to forty pillar (chehel means forty in Persian). It used to be museum and exibition of Safavid’s monarchy stuffs, but it was turned to Persian caligraphy exhibition recently and no longer be museum .Only the building is remained and all the museum’s stuffs were moved for better maintenance.

Alamut valley
Alamut valley is the must seen destination in Qazvin . The famous Alamut castle & Assassin group is prominent part of every tourist’s itinerary due to well known Alamut novel written by Vladimir bartol .We are expert tour guides who you can trust for having nice time in valley, for more information & reserve a tour visit this page. Alamut castle ,Ovan lake, Andej canyon are renowned place in tour of Alamut. Multi day trip for Hiking and trekking is also available.
Qajar Bathhouse & Anthropology Museum
Its the oldest traditional bath in Qazvin which was inscribed in national cultural heritage and turned to anthropology museum recently ,hence exibition of diffrent kind of vocation by wax sculpture(effigy) that were propagated on Safavid era and might be obsoleted nowdays .