festival in Iran

festival in Iran [updated 2025] Festival or ((Jashn)) means (act of worship) in ancient Iran and religious service that was an essential part of every festival.Every festival is essentially a holy occasion for those who taking apart must be in spritual and physical purification .They should dispel All thoughts that come from cacodemon of anger, […]

Hotels of Qazvin

Hotels of Qazvin [updated 2025] Inspite of being touristic city ,Qazvin hasan’t have 5 star Hotel but there is one which is under construction for many years .In this article We try to introduce top Qazvin Hotels with maps and some budget Guest house which would help tourists and Tour guides to choose wisely . […]

Qazvin’ Top tourist attractions

Qazvin [updated 2025] There are some tourist attraction in Qazvin city which are not as famous as Tchogha Zanbil or Perspolis but still influential in Iran’s ancient History. Now we are going to introduce the most important ones. Sa’d al-Saltaneh Caravanserai(Qazvin) What does Carvanserai mean and what is it? A tavern or usually an inn […]

Takht-e Soleyman & Soltaniyeh

Takht-e Soleyman [updated 2025] Takht-e Soleyman (Throne of Soleyman ) is an outstanding ensemle of royal architecture,joining the principal archchitectural elements created by the Sassanids dynasty in harmonious composition .The composition and the architectural elements that created by Sassanids have exerted a strong influence not only in the development of religious architecture in the islamic […]

Masuleh & Rud’khan castle

Masuleh(ماسوله)[updated2025] One of the impressive destination both for Iranians and foreigners is Masuleh village & Rud-khan castle as tour package in Iran.The first village of masuleh date backed around 1006 AD, 6 km northwest of the current village,the village is located in 1,050 meters above sea level in the Alborz mountain range and 60 Km away […]

IRAN History (2nd part )

Safavid dynasty(1502-1736)     Persia underwent a revival under the Safavid dynasty (1502-1736),the most prominent figure was Shah Abbas I. Some Historians credit the Safavid dynasty for founding the modern nation -state of Iran. Iran contemporary Shia character and significant segments of Iran’s current borders take their origin from this era.

IRAN History(Part one)

Ancient Iran Ancient Iran ,also known as Persia used for centuries ,chiefly in the west ,to designate those regions where Persian language and culture predominated, but it more correctly refers to region of southern Iran formerly known as Peris ,Pars , modern Fars . During the rule of the Persian Achaemenian dynasty (559-330BC),The ancient Greeks […]

Cultural Assets of Iran

Cultural assets [updated 2025] Cultural Assets are the substantial or palpable constituents of every realm. These type of assets are always divided into two category of mobile & immobile heritages. immobile heritages includes historical monuments or even huge statue ,in contrast to mobile heritage which includes books ,documents ,mobile artworks, clothing and other artifacts, that […]

Iranian’s UNESCO heritage sites

  In general , UNESCO Heritage sites are divided in two cultural & natural properties group all around the world . Nominated Sites must have outstanding universal value & require at least 1 out of 10 standards to be included on the list .  

Q’anat system in Iran (second part)

How Q’anat works [updated 2025] The rate of flow water in a q’anat is controlled by water table level ,so it cant make notable decrease in aquifer because its flow would fluctuate immediately by underground water table .q’anat would be a sustainable system that provide water unlimitedly ,though the fundamental disadvantage of qanat would be […]